The Pincode system came into function on 15 august 1972 in India. Pincode stands for Postal Index Number code, also known as zip code or area postal code. This Pincode is introduced to simplify the manual sorting and eliminate confusion during the delivery of mails.
The Pincode contains six-digit, and each digit consists of a specific indication. The first digit of the Pincode indicates the zone. For example: if the first digit is 1 or 2, then it indicates the north zone, 3 and 4 indicates the west zone, 5 and 6 indicates the south, 7 and 8 indicate the east zone, and finally 9 indicates the army postal service and field post office of both state and union territories.
The second digit of the pin indicates the sub-zone, the third digit indicates the sorting district, and the final three digits indicate the sorted region's post office. provides the updated list of all the Pincodes in India. It not only provides the Pincodes, but it also provides:
So, you can find all the details that belong to the Pincode as per the updated list.
The Katkut Pincode is 451115, which comes under the postal region of Indore region. Khandwa division is the postal division of this Pincode, where it indicates the Katkut post office. The office type is a BO where the delivery status is delivery. It is an updated list where the district of Katkut is Khargone which comes under the state of Madhya pradesh.
The first digit, 4 represents the state of the region of Madhya pradesh. The second digit 5 denotes the Indore region. The third-digit 1 indicates the district Khargone and 115 denotes the particular post office name Katkut . You can easily find all the Pincodes and details about Pincode just by entering the area name or Pincode.
1. Which district does Katkut belong to?
Khargone district
2. Whether this Pincode search available only for Madhya pradesh?
No, you can find the Pincodes for all over India.
3. What region does Katkut belong to?
4. What is the postal division of Katkut?
Khandwa division
5. Can I get the map location of Katkut?
Yes, you can get it by clicking here.
SNO | CIN Number | Company Name | Date of Registration | Registered Office Address |
1 | U01400MP2017PTC044572 | CROPIKON ORGANICS PRIVATE LIMITED | 27-11-17 | Shop No. 16, Suraj Market Narmada Road, Barwada , Khargone Unclassified MP 451115 |
2 | U01407MP2012PTC027471 | BARWAHA NARMADA AGRO TRADING PRIVATELIMITED | 12-01-12 | 163, Narmada Road Opposite Modi Petrol Pump Barwaha , Khargone Unclassified MP 451115 |
3 | U01554MP2005PTC017850 | RASHI FOODS PRIVATE LIMITED | 08-08-05 | 'MADHYAMA', 13, SHIVAJI MARG, BARWAHA , Unclassified MP 451115 |
5 | U17111MP1996PTC010323 | VIKAS GINNING AND PRESSING PVT LTD | 04-01-96 | MAHESHWAR ROAD, BARWAHA , Unclassified MP 451115 |
6 | U24299MP2018PTC046414 | SHAKUNTAL MUKUND WELLNESS PRIVATELIMITED | 28-08-18 | 92, M.G.ROAD, BARWAH , Khargone Unclassified MP 451115 |
7 | U26922MP2011PTC026130 | BARWAHA PIPES PRIVATE LIMITED | 06-06-11 | 41 INDORE ROAD BARWAHA , Unclassified MP 451115 |
8 | U26950MP2012PTC029394 | AADI PIPES PRIVATE LIMITED | 18-10-12 | 41, INDORE ROAD BARWAHA , Unclassified MP 451115 |
9 | U26990MP2019PTC050148 | NARMADA CALCINORS PRIVATE LIMITED | 21-11-19 | Plot No, 7 Indore Road, BARWAHA , Khargone Unclassified MP 451115 |
10 | U45200MP2007PTC019795 | BARWAHA INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LIMITED | 03-09-07 | 41 INDORE ROAD BARWAHA , Unclassified MP 451115 |
11 | U45200MP2010PTC023196 | R N R DEVCON PRIVATE LIMITED | 15-03-10 | C-7, KANWAR COLONY, MAHESHWAR ROAD, BARWAHA , Khargone Unclassified MP 451115 |
12 | U45200MP2011PTC025611 | AADI INFRACON (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED | 17-03-11 | 41 INDORE ROAD BARWAHA , Unclassified MP 451115 |
13 | U45200MP2013PTC030347 | YAKSHA BUILDCON PRIVATE LIMITED | 20-03-13 | 27 INDORE ROAD BARWAHA , Khargone Unclassified MP 451115 |
14 | U45200MP2020PTC052218 | CBM NEXUS HOMES PRIVATE LIMITED | 08-08-20 | C/O. JAGDISH CHAMPALAL, BLOCK-8/A, KANWAR COLONY, BARWAHA , Khargone Unclassified MP 451115 |
15 | U45309MP2018PTC046652 | ARJNA REALCONS PRIVATE LIMITED | 21-09-18 | 160, SANWARIYA VIHAR, BARWAHA , Khargone Unclassified MP 451115 |
16 | U51109MP1999PLC013698 | NARMADA BIO-TECH LIMITED | 18-08-99 | 70,76,78 & 84 Industrial Estate Narmada Marg Barwah , Khargone Unclassified MP 451115 |
17 | U51900MP2012PTC028315 | NIMAR MALWA AGRO TRADING PRIVATE LIMITED | 30-04-12 | 73 SUBHASH MARG BARWAHA BARWAHA , Khargone Unclassified MP 451115 |
18 | U51909MP2019PTC048740 | DEVAYU SHREE EXPORTS PRIVATE LIMITED | 29-05-19 | 17/A KANWAR COLONY BARWAHA , Khargone Unclassified MP 451115 |
19 | U52590MP1987PTC003980 | DASSANI RETAIL MARKET PRIVATE LIMITED | 26-05-87 | 3 STATION ROAD BARWAHA , Unclassified MP 451115 |
20 | U55101MP2012PTC029053 | BANSAL GARDEN RESTAURANT PRIVATE LIMITED | 23-08-12 | NARMADA ROAD BARWAHA , Unclassified MP 451115 |
21 | U60300MP2017PTC044151 | BARWAHA TRANSPORT PRIVATE LIMITED | 13-09-17 | H-10, Kanwar Colony, Barwaha , Khargone Unclassified MP 451115 |
22 | U74992MP2013PTC031796 | HEXAMIND STOCK BROKER PRIVATE LIMITED | 21-11-13 | 33 B, Adarsh Nagar Colony, Barwaha , Khargone Unclassified MP 451115 |
23 | U74999MP2017PTC043748 | KAPRAH MEDIA & TECHNOLOGY PRIVATELIMITED | 17-07-17 | 74, Narmada Marg, Opp Amber Tal Purnima Hospital Barwaha , Khargone Unclassified MP 451115 |
24 | U74999MP2017PTC043779 | RAJHANS DIGITAL PRIVATE LIMITED | 21-07-17 | 254 MG ROAD BARWAHA BARWAHA , Khargone Unclassified MP 451115 |
25 | U74999MP2017PTC043901 | AGF NEWS CHANNEL PRIVATE LIMITED | 07-08-17 | D/12 GOYAL NIWAS HOUSING BOARD BARWAHA , Khargone Unclassified MP 451115 |